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If you're looking for a flexible way of gaining teaching qualifications, the Cambridge CELTA (Certificate in English Language Teaching to Adults) Online course is right for you. This teacher training course combines online self-study and live teaching practice. CELTA (Certificate in Teaching English to Speakers of Other Languages) in an internationally recognised teacher training and certification programme moderated and accredited by Cambridge Assessment English, a department of the University of Cambridge. For over 30 years, CELTA has 20,326 members. The CELTA Group is available for CELTA Trainees asking for advice, people that are considering doing CELTA or teaching English as a foreign language in general, people who have completed the CELTA and/or those who wish to gain further advice on continued professional development in the TEFL industry. CELTA Online via centres in UK, Spain, Ireland, Germany and more. Full and part-time courses. Prices from £949 / €1090.

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Gain the most recognised English language teaching qualification with our CELTA course at the University of Auckland. Part time & full time courses. Early bird discount. 新东方网(www.xdf.cn)是新东方教育科技集团推出的一站式学习互动交流平台,新东方网的内容涵盖了英语学习规划、成长导航、新东方搜课、新东方老师答问、在线咨询、网上测评、学习资讯、新东方学员服务、新东方社区等,更多精彩内容尽在新东方网。 Welcome to the International House CELTA Bangkok, held at the original IH training centre in Thailand.Located on Sukhumvit, the main road of the city, the Bangkok training centre boasts modern and well-resourced premises. We are easily accessible by the BTS Skytrain, the MRT Underground and the public bus system.

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